Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Chowing down on the cereal of life!

Hello world!

Cherry Neko here and I just want to say "HELLO!"

Yes, I'm alive.  I may have disappeared for a while there but I promise I'm still here.  Truthfully I'm not sorry, so I won't apologize, I needed to vanish from the world of blogging for some time.  Not going to lie, I was getting near breaking point, I tried my hardest to put on a brave face but the idea of writing anything on my blog gave me a sense of dread and I really didn't want to write anything down.  My life felt like a cereal box where I was promised a prize and every time I got close to it another scoop of cereal was chucked on top until the box was so full it was about to explode.  Life got bad and I really wasn't me.  But magically about a week ago someone came along and turned the box of cereal upside down and I got my prize!!!  I have no idea if any of that made sense but I couldn't think of any other way to put it.

Life's still not perfect, but I'm getting there and it's really nice to know that people I've never met still care so thank you to those people, those little sentences mean more than you know.

It seems easier to write about what's going on in my little world again.  Who knows, maybe I'll be back to my old self sooner than I think.  For anyone reading this, thanks for sticking around, thanks for giving this a read.  Hopefully I'll beat my problems soon, in the face...with a shovel.  In the mean time I'm going to try and get back into writing and hopefully back to nosing at your wonderful worlds.


  1. Keep your head up and your PS3 on! Things will get better.

    1. Why thank you Mister Bones, I promise I will give my PS3 the love and attention it needs...once I finish Borderlands on the Xbox haha

  2. Glad to see you're back around blogland. Thanks for dropping my blog and leaving me a comment. Looking forward to seeing/reading more from you. Take care!

    1. I always enjoy reading your blog and it was nice to go and have a look at it again, I look forward to seeing/reading more from you too =)
