Sunday, 21 October 2012

Cherry Neko Saved The World!

Those of you who have excellent peepers may have noticed that there has been some changes around here.  Alas Cherry Neko is no longer a superhero.  The world has been saved.  The bad guys have been defeated, so Cherry Neko Saves the World has been laid to rest, her little cape and bootsies have been placed in a museum for all to look at and I'm hoping that memorials all over the world will be built in her honour.

However, Cherry Neko is not dead!  Far from it.

I'm still here to blog and nothing will change about that.

I hope you all like it?

In the meantime remember I'm now


  1. i love your new banner its so cool especially the font style how did you make it ?

    1. My lack of photoshop skills and m boyfriends amazing photoshop skills haha sorry couldn't tell you if I wanted too.
